‘Vegan For The Weekend‘

Podcast Season 2, Episode: 2

‘Vegan For The Weekend‘

Welcome to all my lovely listeners!

You’re joining me, Annie and I also welcome back a previous guest, Emma Rowland. Emma Rowland  is a nutritionist & Founder of Rebalancing You - The Positive Nutrition & Hormone Balance Clinic - where she specialising in female hormone health & perimenopause. 

Emma works with women 1-1 to understand their hormones, so they feel empowered to reclaim their health and feel like themselves again. 

She is a former cooking school owner with over 11 years experience of working with people and food and so keenly aware of the power of positive nutrition and its impact on health and wellbeing.

You can contact Emma at emma@rebalancingyou.com

Instagram @rebalancingyou - Facebook Group Perimenopause Power Community. 

Access her ‘Vegan for the Weekend’ Plant Based Never Tasted So Good! 3 Day Meal Plan.

In this episode we’re talking about the popularity of veganism and why eating more plants is so good.

Whether you are vegan or not, this episode might just sway you to introduce a plant based diet…even if it’s just at the weekend. Listen to learn Emmas 5 top tips for eating well in midlife as a vegan.

Grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy!

PS. Email annie@letlifebeyoga.com or message me on Instagram @letlifebeyoga with any questions and to claim your free yoga core workout.

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‘A Day In The Life’…


‘And So We Continue’…